What is Intuitive Painting and why do I love it?!
Stephanie Kelly Stephanie Kelly

What is Intuitive Painting and why do I love it?!

Imagine finding the inspiration and the reference material for your painting inside of you, rather than in a still life, a landscape or a model. Imagine setting your creativity free so that you can just dance with your work and completely forget to scrutinize it!

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What is Digital Painting and why do I love it?!
Stephanie Kelly Stephanie Kelly

What is Digital Painting and why do I love it?!

I was a traditional art snob…until one day when a woman showed me her beautiful painting that she created in her IPad. I thought it wasn’t “real art” because she didn’t get her hands dirty nor did she wash her brushes. I took the plunge, bought an IPad and began to experiment like a crazed woman sailing a rogue ship on uncharted waters!! Needless to say, I am no longer a snob! LOL!

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