About Me….



My Story

I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, moving to Rochester, NY in 1980 to attend the University of Rochester where I obtained my B.A. in Anthropology/Archaeology. It was there I met my late husband and we stayed in Rochester and had two sons. Widowed while the boys were still young, I went to work in a local, family-owned art supply store, where I eventually became the manager/buyer. In addition to spending fourteen years surrounded by art supplies and artists working in every medium, when I was growing up, my aunt and uncle owned an art store and gallery in South Philadelphia that I loved to visit! I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not drawing, doodling or just creating something. My boys are grown men now and I am a full-time artist, art instructor and self-declared spreader of joy and happiness!

The Mission Of My Art

It is my hope that my art touches you in a way that helps you to feel a peaceful joy in your heart

…and that it makes you smile!

Artist Statement

Making art makes me happy! My art is colorful, vibrant and intuitively generated from the creative passion that I have had since as far back as I can remember in my life. It is often described as whimsical, magical, playful and joyful. At times, it is even moody and mystical.

All of my art is inspired by having lived many decades experiencing the height of pure joy and the depths of heart-breaking loss, as well as all of the ordinary and common experiences of just living every day. Each piece has a story, some simple and sweet, and others deeply reflective.

I am truly Art Happy making Happy Art!